Quote by Frederick Buechner
He [Jesus] speaks in parables, and though we have approached these parables reverentially all these many years and have heard them expounded as grave and reverent vehicles of holy truth, I suspect that many if not all of them were originally not grave at all but were antic, comic, often more than just a little shocking.
![He [Jesus] speaks in parables, and though we have approached](https://quotation.io/quotes/jesus-speaks-parables-though-approached.jpg)
This quote suggests that Jesus, despite the traditional reverential interpretation of his parables, may have originally intended them to be amusing, unconventional, and even provocative. The speaker suspects that they were meant to be light-hearted and potentially shocking, challenging conventional expectations and engaging his listeners in a unique way. This highlights the possibility that Jesus used humor and surprise to convey deeper spiritual truths and provoke critical thinking among his audience.