Quote by Neil Gaiman
He knew everything about big Mike Ainsel in this moment, and he liked Mike Ainsel. Mike Ainsel had none of the problems that Shadow had. Ainsel had never been married. Mike Ainsel had never been interrogated on a freight train by Mr. Wood an Mr. Stone. Televisions did not speak to Mike Ainsel (You want to see Lucy's tits? asked a voice in his head)

This quote highlights the stark contrast between the speaker, Shadow, and another character named Mike Ainsel. It suggests that Mike Ainsel is presented as an idealized version of life, free from the difficulties and struggles that Shadow has experienced. The quote emphasizes the differences between the two characters, as Mike Ainsel seems untouched by the troubling events that Shadow has endured, such as interrogations and hallucinations. This brief explanation sheds light on Shadow's perception of Mike Ainsel and the admiration he holds for his seemingly problem-free existence.
By Neil Gaiman