Quote by Sir John Vanbrugh

Look you, Amanda, you may build Castles in the Air, and fume, and fret, and grow thin and lean, and pale and ugly, if you please. But I tell you, no Man worth having is true to his Wife, or can be true to his Wife, or ever was, or ever will be so.

Look you, Amanda, you may build Castles in the Air, and fume


This quote reflects a cynical and pessimistic view on fidelity in marriage, suggesting that no man is capable of being faithful to his wife. It implies that even if one obsesses over their partner's faithfulness to the point of compromising their physical appearance and inner well-being, it won't guarantee the man's fidelity. The quote questions the notion of finding a worth-while partner who can uphold the sanctity of marriage, highlighting a bitter and perhaps jaded perspective on love and commitment.

By Sir John Vanbrugh
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