Quote by Germaine Greer

The misery of the middle-aged woman is a gray and hopeless thing, born of having nothing to live for, of disappointment and resentment at having been gypped by consumer society, and surviving merely to be the butt of its unthinking scorn.

The misery of the middle-aged woman is a gray and hopeless t


This quote suggests that middle-aged women often live in a state of misery and despair. It states that their misery arises from feeling like they have nothing to live for and being disappointed and resentful towards a consumer-driven society that has deceived them. Furthermore, the quote suggests that these women feel marginalized and ridiculed by society, leading to a sense of hopelessness. Overall, it portrays middle-aged women as victims of a system that overlooks their worth and contributes to their unhappiness.


By Germaine Greer
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