Quote by George Bernard Shaw

A moderately honest man with a moderately faithful wife, moderate drinkers both, in a moderately healthy house : that is the true middle-class unit.

A moderately honest man with a moderately faithful wife, mod


This quote suggests that the true depiction of a middle-class unit is comprised of individuals who possess moderate qualities in various aspects of their lives. The man is moderately honest, implying he is not excessively deceitful nor completely truthful. The wife is moderately faithful, meaning her loyalty falls within a reasonable range. Both individuals are moderate drinkers, indicating they consume alcohol in moderation without indulging in excess. Lastly, they reside in a moderately healthy house, symbolizing a comfortable and satisfactory living environment. This quote highlights the essence of the middle-class, emphasizing the importance of moderation and balance in all aspects of life.


By George Bernard Shaw
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