Quote by Niels Bohr

The very nature of the quantum theory ... forces us to regard the space-time coordination and the claim of causality, the union of which characterizes the classical theories, as complementary but exclusive features of the description, symbolizing the idealization of observation and description, respectively.

The very nature of the quantum theory ... forces us to regar


This quote is referring to how the principles of the quantum theory challenge our understanding of the connection between space-time coordination and causality. In classical theories, these two aspects are considered to be interrelated and complementary. However, in quantum theory, they are seen as distinct and exclusive features of the description of reality. The quote suggests that while space-time coordination represents an idealized observation of the physical world, causality is a separate idealization involved in the description of these observations. This reflects the unique and complex nature of quantum theory and its impact on our conceptualization of reality.

By Niels Bohr
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