Quote by Osho [Chandra Mohan Jain]
Nobody can teach you love. Love you have to find yourself, within your being, by raising your consciousness to higher levels. And when love comes, there is no question of responsibility. You do things because you enjoy doing them for the person you love. You are not obliging the person, you are not even wanting anything in return, not even gratitude. On the contrary, you are grateful that the person has allowed you to do something for him. It was your joy, sheer joy. Love knows nothing of responsibility. It does many things, it is very creative; it shares all that it has, but it is not a responsibility, remember. Responsibility is an ugly word in comparison to love. Love is natural. Responsibility is created by the cunning priests, politicians who want to dominate you in the name of God, in the name of the nation, in the name of family, in the name of religion -- any fiction will do. But they don't talk about love. On the contrary, they are all against love, because love is unable to be controlled by them. A man of love acts out of his own heart, not according to any moral code. A man of love will not join the army because it is his responsibility to fight for his nation. A man of love will say there are no nations, and there is no question of any fight.

This quote emphasizes that love cannot be taught or imposed upon someone; it is a deeply personal experience that one discovers within themselves. Love, devoid of responsibility, is an act of pure joy and generosity. The quote critiques the concept of responsibility, suggesting that it is a manipulative construct created by those in power to control others. In contrast, love is natural and uncontrollable, transcending societal boundaries and moral codes. The quote encourages an individual to follow their heart, rejecting imposed responsibilities and instead embracing love as a guiding force in their actions.