Quote by Henry Miller

Perhaps I am still very much of an American. That is to say, na?ve, optimistic, gullible. In the eyes of a European, what am I but an American to the core, an American who exposes his Americanism like a sore. Like it or not, I am a product of this land of plenty, a believer in superabundance, a believer in miracles.

Perhaps I am still very much of an American. That is to say,


This quote reflects the speaker's self-awareness of their American identity and attitude. They acknowledge their naivety, optimism, and tendency to trust easily, which they perceive as characteristic of being American. The speaker admits to embracing their Americanism openly, despite knowing that it might be seen as a flaw or vulnerability by others, particularly Europeans. They declare themselves to be a true product of the abundant American culture, deeply rooted in the belief in plenty and the occurrence of extraordinary events.


By Henry Miller
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