Quote by Joseph Campbell, From An Open Li
But if a person has had the sense of the Call -- the feeling that there's an adventure for him -- and if he doesn't follow that, but remains in the society because it's safe and secure, then life dries up. And then he comes to that condition in late middle age: he's gotten to the top of the ladder, and found that it's against the wrong wall.If you have the guts to follow the risk, however, life opens, opens, opens up all along the line. I'm not superstitious, but I do believe in spiritual magic, you might say. I feel that if one follows what I call one's bliss -- the thing that really gets you deep in your gut and that you feel is your life -- doors will open up. They do! They have in my life and they have in many lives that I know of.http://www.michaelherman.com/openspacetechnology/invitingorg/08campbell.html

This quote by Joseph Campbell emphasizes the importance of following one's call or inner passion, even if it means taking risks and stepping out of the safety and security of societal norms. If one chooses to stay within the confines of what is comfortable, life becomes stagnant and unfulfilling. However, by having the courage to pursue what truly inspires and excites them, doors of opportunity and possibility are opened along the way. Campbell suggests that by following our own unique bliss, we can tap into a kind of spiritual magic that guides us towards a more fulfilling and meaningful life.