Quote by John Green
pg. 231-232: They'd given me a minivan. They could have picked any car and they picked a minivan. A minivan. O God of the Vehicular Justice, why dost thou mock me? Minivan, you albatross around my neck! You mark of Cain! You wretched beast high ceilings and few horsepower!

In this humorous quote from an unknown source, the speaker expresses their displeasure and frustration towards being given a minivan as a vehicle. The exclamation of "O God of the Vehicular Justice" conveys a sense of exaggerated bewilderment and disappointment. The speaker assigns negative connotations to the minivan, referring to it as an "albatross around my neck" and a "mark of Cain." The phrase highlights the speaker's disdain for the minivan's high ceilings and low horsepower, emphasizing their dissatisfaction with the chosen vehicle. The quote showcases the speaker's lamentation in a light-hearted and comical way.
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By John Green