Quote by M. C. (Maurits Cornelis) Escher
In my prints I try to show that we live in a beautiful and orderly world and not in a chaos without norms, as we sometimes seem to. My subjects are also often playful. I cannot help mocking all our unwavering certainties. It is, for example, great fun deliberately to confuse two and three dimensions, the plane and space, or to poke fun at gravity. Are you sure that a floor cannot also be a ceiling? Are you absolutely certain that you go up when you walk up a staircase? Can you be definite that it is impossible to eat your cake and have it?Variant translation: I can't keep from fooling around with our irrefutable certainties. It is, for example, a pleasure knowingly to mix up two and three dimensionalities, flat and spatial, and to make fun of gravity.

This quote, by the artist M.C. Escher, explains his philosophical approach to his artwork. Escher believes that our world is not chaotic, but rather beautiful and orderly, contrary to what we may sometimes perceive. His playful subjects challenge our certainties and expectations, questioning the boundaries between dimensions, planes, and gravity. By deliberately confusing these concepts, Escher aims to provoke thought and encourage viewers to question their own assumptions about reality. He finds immense enjoyment in undermining established norms and rules, illustrating that things are not always as they seem.