Quote by Christopher Hitchens
In a public dialogue with Salman in London he [Edward Said] had once described the Palestinian plight as one where his people, expelled and dispossessed by Jewish victors, were in the unique historical position of being 'the victims of the victims': there was something quasi-Christian, I thought, in the apparent humility of that statement.
![In a public dialogue with Salman in London he [Edward Said]](https://quotation.io/quotes/public-dialogue-salman-london-edward-sai.jpg)
This quote refers to Edward Said, a Palestinian intellectual, describing the situation of his people as being "the victims of the victims" during a conversation with Salman Rushdie in London. Said is highlighting how the Palestinians have faced expulsion and dispossession by the Jewish victors, who themselves had suffered as victims in the past. The quote suggests that Said sees an element of humility in this position, drawing a parallel to Christian teachings that emphasize humility and non-violence even in the face of injustice.