Quote by Robert Frost, A Servant to Serva
It's rest I want--there, I have said it out--From cooking meals for hungry hired menAnd washing dishes after them--from doingThings over and over that just won't stay done.By good rights I ought not to have so muchPut on me, but there seems no other way.Len says one steady pull more ought to do it.He says the best way out is always through.And I agree to that, or in so farAs that I can see no way out but through--Leastways for me--and then they'll be convinced.http://melange.enigmatic.org/archive/2004-06/bestwayoutisthrough.php

In this quote, the speaker expresses their desire for rest, openly admitting their longing to be relieved from the repetitive tasks of cooking and cleaning. They feel overwhelmed by the responsibilities placed upon them, acknowledging that they shouldn't bear such a burden. However, the speaker's friend Len advises them that the best way to overcome challenges and find resolution is to bravely face them head-on. The speaker agrees with this perspective, acknowledging that there may be no other way out of their predicament except to keep pushing forward until others recognize and understand their struggles.