Quote by Anne Frank, The Diary of Anne Fr
I see the eight of us with our 'Secret Annexe' as if we were a little piece of blue heaven, surrounded by heavy black rain clouds. The round, clearly defined spot where we stand is still safe, but the clouds gather more closely about us and the circle which separates us from the approaching danger closes more and more tightly. Now we are so surrounded by danger and darkness that we bump against each other, as we search desperately for a means of escape. We all look down below, where people are fighting each other, we look above, where it is quiet and beautiful, and meanwhile we are cut off by the great dark mass, which will not let us go upwards, but which stands before us as an impenetrable wall; it tries to crush us, but cannot do so yet. I can only cry and implore: 'Oh, if only the black circle could recede and open the way for us!'

This quote, taken from Anne Frank's diary, depicts the situation of Anne and the seven others hiding in the Secret Annexe during World War II. It symbolizes the feeling of being trapped and isolated from the outside world, surrounded by impending danger and uncertainty. Anne compares their secluded hiding place to a small patch of safety amidst a storm, but one that is slowly being enveloped by the darkness and turmoil outside. She longs for a way out and wishes for the barriers to disappear, offering a glimmer of hope in the midst of desperation.