Quote by Rumi, What Have I Ever Lost By D
I spent millons of years in the worldof inorganic thingsas a star, as a rock...Then I died and became a plant--Forgetting my former existencebecause of its othernessThen I died and became an animal--Forgetting my life as a plantexcept for inclinations in the seasonof spring and sweet herbs--like the inclination of babestoward their mother's breastThen I died and became a humanMy intelligence ripened, awakeningfrom greed and self-seekingto become wise and knowingI behold a hundred thousandintelligences most marvelousand remember my former statesand inclinationsAnd when I die againI will soar past the angelsto places I cannot imagineNow, what have I ever lost by dying?

This quote highlights the concept of reincarnation and the idea of continuous transformation and growth. The speaker reflects on their journey from being an inorganic entity to a human, experiencing different forms of life and gradually gaining wisdom and understanding. The quote suggests that with each death and rebirth, the speaker gains new perspectives and insights, retaining fragments of their previous existences. It also emphasizes the liberation brought about by death, as it opens up possibilities beyond the limited human understanding. Ultimately, the quote poses a thought-provoking question: what is truly lost through the process of dying and evolving?