Quote by Gary Ross

I think movies do play a valuable role in turning people on to the act of reading. I think that phenomenon just creates readers. At first they're going to love 'Harry Potter,' or they may love 'The Hunger Games,' but after that, they're going to love the act of reading and wonder, 'What else can I read?'

I think movies do play a valuable role in turning people on


This quote suggests that movies can act as a gateway to instilling a love of reading in individuals. The speaker believes that when people watch film adaptations of popular books like "Harry Potter" or "The Hunger Games," they may develop an interest in the story and characters. This initial spark can consequently lead them to explore the original books, eventually cultivating a broader interest in reading. The quote implies that by creating an initial connection through movies, individuals may develop a curiosity to discover other literary works beyond what is portrayed on-screen.


By Gary Ross
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