Quote by Dr. David Schwartz
Think success, don't think failure. At work, in your home, substitute success thinking for failure thinking. When you face a difficult situation, think, I'll win, not I'll probably lose. When you compete with someone else, think, I'm equal to the best, not I'm out-classed. When opportunity appears, think I can do it, never I can't. Let the master thought I-will-succeed dominate your thinking process. Thinking success conditions your mind to create plans that produce success. Thinking failure does the exact opposite. Failure thinking conditions the mind to think other thoughts that produce failure.

This quote emphasizes the importance of adopting a positive mindset in order to achieve success. By focusing on success thinking and replacing any thoughts of failure, one not only strengthens their confidence but also conditions their mind to generate success-oriented plans. Thinking positively and believing in oneself allows individuals to approach challenges with resilience and determination, increasing their chances of accomplishing their goals. Conversely, by entertaining thoughts of failure, one inadvertently sets themselves up for negative self-fulfilling prophecies and limits their potential for success. Therefore, by consciously cultivating an attitude of success, individuals create a more favorable environment for achieving their desired outcomes.