A collection of quotes by Arthur H. Clough.
The highest political buzz word is not liberty, equality, fraternity or solidarity; it is service.
Arthur H. Clough
Thou shalt have one God only; whoWould be at the expense of two?No graven images may beWorshipped, except the currency:Swear not at all; for for thy curseThine enemy is none the worse:At church on Sunday to attendWill serve to keep the world thy friend:Honour thy parents; that is, allFrom whom advancement may befall:Thou shalt not kill; but needst not striveOfficiously to keep alive:Do not adultery commit;Advantage rarely comes of it:Thou shalt not steal; an empty feat,When its so lucrative to cheat:Bear not false witness: let the lieHave time on its own wings to fly:Thou shalt not covet; but traditionApproves all forms of competition. The sum of all is, thou shalt love,If any body, God above:At any rate shall never labourMore than thyself to love thy neighbour.
Thou shalt not covet; but tradition approves all forms of competition.
And almost everyone when age, disease, or sorrows strike him, inclines to think there is a God, or something very like him.