Edward George BulwerLytton Quotes

A collection of quotes by Edward George BulwerLytton.

Edward George Bulwer-Lytton was a renowned English novelist, poet, and playwright, born on May 25, 1803, in London, England. He came from a distinguished and influential family, with his mother being a novelist and his father a politician. Bulwer-Lytton pursued a career in writing and quickly gained acclaim for his works, becoming one of the prominent literary figures of the Victorian era.

Throughout his career, Bulwer-Lytton published numerous novels and plays, exploring a wide range of genres such as historical fiction, romance, and science fiction. Some of his most well-known works include "The Last Days of Pompeii", "Eugene Aram", and the widely recognized opening line, "It was a dark and stormy night," from his novel "Paul Clifford."

Apart from his successful writing career, Bulwer-Lytton also had a notable political career. He served as a Member of Parliament for various constituencies and held positions in the government, where he actively supported social reform and education initiatives.

Edward Bulwer-Lytton's literary contributions, particularly his distinctive blend of romanticism and realism, had a significant influence on subsequent writers such as Charles Dickens and H. G. Wells. His works often delved into complex characters, psychological elements, and social commentary, reflecting the evolving landscape of 19th-century England.

Bulwer-Lytton passed away on January 18, 1873, leaving behind a legacy of impactful writing that continues to be recognized and studied today.