Livy Quotes

A collection of quotes by Livy.

Livy, also known as Titus Livius, was an ancient Roman historian born in 59 BCE in Patavium, present-day Padua, Italy. Not much is known about his early life and education, but he moved to Rome as a young man, where he pursued a career in writing.

Livy is best known for his monumental work, "Ab Urbe Condita Libri" or "History of Rome from its Foundation," consisting of 142 books covering the history of Rome from its legendary founding in 753 BCE up until Livy's contemporary times. Unfortunately, only around 35 books of this extensive work have survived.

His history work aimed to provide moral lessons and preserve the Roman traditions and virtues of the past. He was highly respected for his literary style, rich narratives, and compelling storytelling, bringing the characters and events of Roman history to life. Livy's accuracy and objectivity have been questioned at times, as he tended to include legends and mythical elements in his writing. Nonetheless, his work remains essential for our understanding of early Roman history.

Livy's writing influenced subsequent generations of historians and was highly regarded during the Renaissance. His work reflects the cultural and political atmosphere of Augustan Rome, as Livy lived and wrote during the reign of Emperor Augustus. Despite his significant contributions to history, Livy's personal life and later years remain mostly unknown, as only a few fragmentary references exist. He is believed to have died around 17 CE.