A collection of quotes by Ravindra Shukla.
I can fight with a real problem. But I cannot solve the ignorance. I cannot solve the illusion of your mind.
Ravindra Shukla
There are two powers in this world which cannot be matched. Beauty and Youth. Buy the beauty and imprison the youth. Give the best models, actress, and girls from town and nail them. I do not care how much it costs.
She could afford anything, she could give anything, but she could not share a moment of her life with anybody. Shewas a beautiful and a glamorous diamond with an astronomical price tag, but to a crude reality she was still a stone, a living stone. Nothing else but a stone in an aesthetic sense.
Yeah, I am crazy. Ok. May be I am. But I prefer to be crazy than being a dummy.
What about young age? You will be miserable all through your 15 years to reach that goal of 0 million. After 50years, even if you pay a million to get back a week of your time at 35, you will never get that. Your beer will taste very different when you are at 50 from how it tasted at 30.