Browse through our collection of quotes tagged with Conversation.
Speech is power: speech is to persuade, to convert, to compel. It is to bring another out of his bad sense into your good sense.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Speech is human nature itself, with none of the artificiality of written language.
Alfred North Whitehead
A good conversationalist is not one who remembers what was said, but says what someone wants to remember.
John Mason Brown
We never say so much as when we do not quite know what we want to say. We need few words when we have something to say, but all the words in all the dictionaries will not suffice when we have nothing to say and want desperately to say it.
Eric Hoffer
Reply to wit with gravity, and to gravity with wit.
Charles Caleb Colton
Repartee is perfect when it effects its purpose with a double edge. It is the highest order of wit, as it indicates the coolest yet quickest exercise of genius, at a moment when the passions are roused.
I think one's feelings waste themselves in words; they ought all to be distilled into actions which bring results.
Florence Nightingale
The opposite of talking isn't listening. The opposite of talking is waiting.
Fran Lebowitz
Ideal conversation must be an exchange of thought, and not, as many of those who worry most about their shortcomings believe, an eloquent exhibition of wit or oratory.
Emily Post
It's better to keep your mouth shut and give the impression that you're stupid than to open it and remove all doubt.
Rami Belson
Saying what we think gives a wider range of conversation than saying what we know.
Cullen Hightower
The primary use of conversation is to satisfy the impulse to talk.
George Santayana
Speech is the mirror of the soul; as a man speaks, so he is.
Publilius Syrus
We have as many planes of speech as does a painting planes of perspective which create perspective in a phrase. The most important word stands out most vividly defined in the very foreground of the sound plane. Less important words create a series of deeper planes.
Konstantin Stanislavisky
You have such strong words at command, that they make the smallest argument seem formidable.
George Eliot
Lettuce is like conversation: it must be fresh and crisp, and so sparkling that you scarcely notice the bitter in it.
Charles Dudley Warner
No animal should ever jump up on the dining room furniture unless absolutely certain that he can hold his own in the conversation.
The finest eloquence is that which gets things done; the worst is that which delays them.
David Lloyd George
He speaketh not; and yet there liesA conversation in his eyes.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, The
Conversation would be vastly improved by the constant use of four simple words: I do not know.
Andre Maurois