Browse through our collection of quotes tagged with Day.
Stop waiting for the perfect day or the perfect moment... Take THIS day, THIS moment and lead it to perfection.
Steve Maraboli
Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn.
Mahatma Gandhi
So dawn goes down to day. Nothing gold can stay.
John Green
They (the days) come and go like muffled and veiled figures sent from a distant friendly party; but they say nothing, and if we do not use the gifts they bring, they carry them as silently away
Ralph Waldo Emerson
It never failed to amaze me how the most ordinary day could be catapulted into the extraordinary in the blink of an eye.
Jodi Picoult
The day is committed to error and floundering; success and achievement are matters of long range
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
How would your life be different began each day by thanking someone who has helped you? Let today be the day...You make it a point to show your gratitude to others. Send a letter or card, make a call, send a text or email, tell them in whatever you have to do to let them know you appreciate them.
I never sort of thought of myself as a comedy writer, by nature.
Lena Dunham
The Lord had given them the day and the Lord had given them the strength. And the day and the strength had been dedicated to labor, and the labor was its reward. Who was the labor for? What would be its fruits? These were irrelevant and idle questions.
Leo Tolstoy
The way you live your day is a sentence in the story of your life. Each day you make the choice whether the sentence ends with a period, question mark, or exclamation point.
It was the possibility of darkness that made the day seem so bright.
Stephen King
I will prepare and some day my chance will come.
Abraham Lincoln