Browse through our collection of quotes tagged with Death.
There is a remedy for everything; it is called death.
Sweets to the sweet.
William Shakespeare
I hate funerals and would not attend my own if it could be avoided, but it is well for every man to stop once in a while to think of what sort of a collection of mourners he is training for his final event.
Robert T. Morris
Life is one long training session in preparation for what will come. Life and death lose their meaning; there are only challenges to be met with joy and overcome with tranquility.
Paulo Coelho
If I had my life over again I should form the habit of nightly composing myself to thoughts of death. I would practice, as it were, the remembrance of death. There is no other practice which so intensifies life. Death, when it approaches, ought not to take one by surprise. It should be part of the full expectancy of life. Without an ever-present sense of death life is insipid. You might as well live on the whites of eggs.
Muriel Spark
Woe, woe, woe... in a little while we shall all be dead. Therefore let us behave as though we were dead already.
Raymond Chandler
What did it matter where you lay once you were dead? In a dirty sump or in a marble tower on top of a high hill? You were dead, you were sleeping the big sleep, you were not bothered by things like that. Oil and water were the same as wind and air to you.
Death gives us sleep, eternal youth, and immortality.
Jean Paul
Generally speaking, the Way of the warrior is resolute acceptance of death.
Miyamoto Musashi
The Teutons have been singing the swan song ever since they entered the ranks of history. They have always confounded truth with death.
Henry Miller
When the body escaped mutilation, seldom did the heart go to the grave unscarred.
Virginia Woolf
Call no man happy, said Shadow, until he is dead
Neil Gaiman
That time of year thou mayst in me beholdWhen yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hangUpon those boughs which shake against the cold,Bare ruin'd choirs, where late the sweet birds sang.In me thou seest the twilight of such dayAs after sunset fadeth in the west,Which by and by black night doth take away,Death's second self, that seals up all in rest.In me thou see'st the glowing of such fireThat on the ashes of his youth doth lie,As the death-bed whereon it must expireConsumed with that which it was nourish'd by.This thou perceivest, which makes thy love more strong,To love that well which thou must leave ere long.
Sickness, insanity and death were the angels that surrounded my cradle and they have followed me throughout my life.
Edvard Munch
An orphan's curse would drag to hell, a spirit from on high; but oh! more horrible than that, is a curse in a dead man's eye!
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
I've always had bronchitis. I've been administered the Sacrament of Death three times for it.
Mercedes McCambridge
We all of us waited for him to die. The family sent him a check every month, and hoped he'd get on with it quietly, without too much vulgar fuss.
John Osborne
I couldn't have foreseen all the good things that have followed my mother's death. The renewed energy, the surprising sweetness of grief. The tenderness I feel for strangers on walkers. The deeper love I have for my siblings and friends. The desire to play the mandolin. The gift of a visitation.
Mary Schmich
Every man goes down to his death bearing in his hands only that which he has given away.
But the peasants -- how do the peasants die?
Leo Tolstoy