Browse through our collection of quotes tagged with Government.
In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
It's become unfashionable to celebrate political achievement, and Labour achievement even less so. And it's positively uncouth to be proud of something that this Labour government is doing. So, slam me for saying so, but I'm really proud of the NHS.
Lucy Powell
For me, journalism has been more a matter of projecting a particular approach to covering policies, to covering issues. It was a continuation of what I tried to do in government.
Eliot Spitzer
We need to understand that we as citizens and as a government in any community throughout this country have no more important obligation than to educate those who are going to replace us.
Colin Powell
I'm tired of hearing it said that democracy doesn't work. Of course it doesn't work. We are supposed to work it.
Alexander Woollcott
It's very difficult for the American people to believe that our government, one of the richest on Earth, is also one of the stingiest on Earth.
Jimmy Carter
In the long-run every Government is the exact symbol of its People, with their wisdom and unwisdom; we have to say, Like People like Government.
Thomas Carlyle
Men are to be guided only by their self-interests. Good government is a good balancing of these; and, except a keen eye and appetite for self-interest, requires no virtue in any quarter. To both parties it is emphatically a machine: to the discontented, a taxing-machine; to the contented, a machine for securing property. Its duties and its faults are not those of a father, but of an active parish-constable.
There is nothing wrong with describing Conservatism as protecting the Constitution, protecting all things that limit government. Government is the enemy of liberty. Government should be very restrained.
Ron Paul
You've got the Democratic Party that now depends on more government spending and actual building the dependence on government in order to increase their political party.
Jim DeMint
The government must always be a step ahead of the popular movement.
Count Boytzwnburg
Surely the President can agree with us, that theft from government is not good. I know it's bold. It's out on the edge. I know from a Chicago-Springfield background it's hard to fully grasp that honesty could be part of government.
Newt Gingrich
Nations it may be have fashioned their Governments, but the Governments have paid them back in the same coin.
Joseph Conrad
You could afford your house without the government if it weren't for the government.
Rush Limbaugh
That state is best ordered when the wicked have no command, and the good have.
We need more transparency and accountability in government so that people know how their money is being spent. That means putting budgets online, putting legislation online.
Carly Fiorina
It is perfectly true that that government is best which governs least. It is equally true that that government is best which provides most.
Walter Lippmann
The government can destroy wealth but it cannot create wealth, which is the product of labor and management working with creation.
Bill Murray
Now, I learned soon enough, that among the three, two don't trust the third one - the third one is the government. Both industry and unions feel the government is a talking organization and a spending organization.
Shimon Peres
Our rulers will best promote the improvement of the nation by strictly confining themselves to their own legitimate duties, by leaving capital to find its most lucrative course, commodities their fair price, industry and intelligence their natural reward, idleness and folly their natural punishment, by maintaining peace, by defending property, by diminishing the price of law, and by observing strict economy in every department of the state. Let the Government do this: the People will assuredly do the rest.
Thomas Babington Macaulay