Browse through our collection of quotes tagged with Government.
It is easy to rule over the good.
Barack Obama's enemies are the people who make this country work. Barack Obama's enemies are those who succeed. Those are the people whose income he wants to redistribute. Those are the people whose income he wants to take, using the power and the force of the federal government to do it.
Rush Limbaugh
As far as your personal goals are and what you actually want to do with your life, it should never have to do with the government. You should never depend on the government for your retirement, your financial security, for anything.
Drew Carey
A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.
George Bernard Shaw
The world is waiting ... for new saints, ecstatic men and women who are so deeply rooted in the love of God that they are free to imagine a new international order.
Henri Nouwen
I forget what the relevant American rate is, but I can tell you that our goal is to have a combined federal-provincial corporate tax rate of no more than 25 percent. We're on target to do that by 2012. We will have significantly - by a significant margin the lowest corporate tax rates in the G-7, and that's our - our government's objective.
Stephen Harper
While democracy in the long run is the most stable form of government, in the short run, it is among the most fragile.
Madeleine Albright
I am often asked if, when I was secretary, I had problems with foreign men. That is not who I had problems with, because I arrived in a very large plane that said United States of America. I had more problems with the men in our own government.
The truth is in California you can't build a new manufacturing facility, and businesses are leaving in droves because of bad government policy.
Carly Fiorina
Pakistan needs to have decentralisation and a good local government system.
Imran Khan
The constitution is not neutral. It was designed to take the government off the backs of people.
William O. Douglas
We don't need new taxes. We need new taxpayers, people that are gainfully employed, making money and paying into the tax system. And then we need a government that has the discipline to take that additional revenue and use it to pay down the debt and never grow it again.
Marco Rubio
The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground.
Thomas Jefferson
Our goal is to displace the entrenched powers in Washington, restore the rightful balance between the state and federal government.
Rick Perry
Ever occur to you why some of us can be this much concerned with animals suffering? Because government is not. Why not? Animals don't vote.
Paul Harvey
People should be free, people should be unencumbered by regulation as much as possible, that big government always goes corrupt and the truth shall always set you free.
Glenn Beck
A pure democracy is a society consisting of a small number of citizens, who assemble and administer the government in person.
James Madison
The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help.
Ronald Reagan
The essence of a free government consists in an effectual control of rivalries.
John Adams
The Government of the absolute majority instead of the Government of the people is but the Government of the strongest interests and when not efficiently checked, it is the most tyrannical and oppressive that can be devised.
John C. Calhoun