Browse through our collection of quotes tagged with Hope.
What we hope to achieve is a society that doesn't value a white man because he's a white man, but also doesn't value a woman because she's a woman, or a black because he's a black.
Elizabeth Edwards
Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.
Dale Carnegie
He that waits for a dead man's shoes may long go barefoot.
If we hope for what we are not likely to possess, we act and think in vain, and make life a greater dream and shadow than it really is.
Joseph Addison
Every day begins with an act of courage and hope: getting out of bed.
Mason Cooley
But what we call our despair is often only the painful eagerness of unfed hope.
George Eliot
Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. You wait and watch and work: you don't give up.
Anne Lamott
Love, we say, is life but love without hope and faith is agonizing death.
Elbert Hubbard
The reason I never give up hope is because everything is so basically hopeless.
I hope in my lifetime we can all continue to laugh at ourselves and not put down anyone for what they weigh.
Richard Simmons
Most of me was glad when my mother died. She was a handful, but not in a cute, festive way. More in a life-threatening way, that had caused me a long time ago to give up all hope of ever feeling good about having had her as a mother.
We are long before we are convinced that happiness is never to be found, and each believes it possessed by others, to keep alive the hope of obtaining it for himself.
Samuel Johnson
Litigant. A person about to give up his skin for the hope of retaining his bones.
Ambrose Bierce
We really feel happier when things look bleak. Hope is endurance. Hope is holding on and going on and trusting in the Lord.
Michael Novak
Hope, the best comfort of our imperfect condition.
Edward Gibbon
I hope my music sets up the platform for me to be able to do lots of things - to have a cowboy-boot line, maybe, or do a perfume or makeup deal.
Miranda Lambert
I hope people don't compare 2D and 3D because 3D's new, it's unfair to compare to 2D which is really sophisticated, even when we're jaded about it. 3D just began, give it a chance, let the equipment and projection system catch up and be better, let the price go down, let more filmmakers get a hold of it more easily.
Ang Lee
Hope is the struggle of the soul, breaking loose from what is perishable, and attesting her eternity.
Herman Melville
As for gun control advocates, I have no hope whatever that any facts whatever will make the slightest dent in their thinking - or lack of thinking.
Thomas Sowell
It has never been, and never will be easy work! But the road that is built in hope is more pleasant to the traveler than the road built in despair, even though they both lead to the same destination.
Marion Zimmer Bradley