Browse through our collection of quotes tagged with Men.
We know but a few men, a great many coats and breeches.
Henry David Thoreau
Two things control men's nature, instinct and experience.
Blaise Pascal
Our defense is in the preservation of the spirit which prizes liberty as a heritage of all men, in all lands, everywhere. Destroy this spirit and you have planted the seeds of despotism around your own doors.
Abraham Lincoln
If boyhood and youth are but vanity, must it not be our ambition to become men?
Vincent Van Gogh
The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation.
Old men are dangerous: it doesn't matter to them what is going to happen to the world.
George Bernard Shaw
Our forces saved the remnants of the Jewish people of Europe for a new life and a new hope in the reborn land of Israel. Along with all men of good will, I salute the young state and wish it well.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
It is easier to know men in general, than men in particular.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld
Truth is the property of no individual but is the treasure of all men.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Only free men can negotiate; prisoners cannot enter into contracts. Your freedom and mine cannot be separated.
Nelson Mandela
Some men can live up to their loftiest ideals without ever going higher than a basement.
Theodore Roosevelt
I have known more men destroyed by the desire to have wife and child and to keep them in comfort than I have seen destroyed by drink and harlots.
William Butler Yeats
Ignorant people see life as either existence or non-existence, but wise men see it beyond both existence and non-existence to something that transcends them both this is an observation of the Middle Way.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Men shut their doors against a setting sun.
William Shakespeare
By indignities men come to dignities.
Francis Bacon
There are a great many men valued in society who have nothing to recommend them but serviceable vices.
The worst thing about some men is that when they are not drunk they are sober.
In the course of history, men come to see that iron necessity is neither iron nor necessary.
Friedrich Nietzsche
One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men. No machine can do the work of one extraordinary man.
Elbert Hubbard
Men are what their mothers made them.