Browse through our collection of quotes tagged with Music.
Adolescents are not monsters. They are just people trying to learn how to make it among the adults in the world, who are probably not so sure themselves.
Virginia Satir
The music that can deepest reach, And cure all ill, is cordial speech.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Editing is now the easiest thing on earth to do, and all the things that evolved out of word processing - 'Oh, let's put that sentence there, let's get rid of this' - have become commonplace in films and music too.
Brian Eno
And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.
Friedrich Nietzsche
Live your truth. Express your love. Share your enthusiasm. Take action towards your dreams. Walk your talk. Dance and sing to your music. Embrace your blessings. Make today worth remembering.
Steve Maraboli
I know only two tunes. One them is Yankee Doodle and the other isn't.
Ulysses Simpson Grant
You are the music while the music lasts.
T. S. Eliot
The commonest and cheapest sounds, as the barking of a dog, produce the same effect on fresh and healthy ears that the rarest music does. It depends on your appetite for sound. Just as a crust is sweeter to a healthy appetite than confectionery to a pampered or diseased one.
Henry David Thoreau
When I was a kid, I was following black soul music.
Robert Plant
After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.
Aldous Huxley
Music is the melody whose text is the world.
Arthur Schopenhauer
Music's staying power is a function of how timeless the lyrics, song and production are.
Gary Wright
Music has healing power. It has the ability to take people out of themselves for a few hours.
Elton John
Anything too stupid to be said is sung.
I find that it isn't wise to attempt to judge people on their public persona, and even on the music they make. Because I've met so many people whose music I cannot stand, and they're very nice. At the same time, I've met people whose music I've loved, and they're not the person you've invested all this emotion in.
Steven Patrick Morrissey
Since I met Starsmith, my producer, I really feel like I'm making music because we write it together and produce it together. I've got a proper involvement in the end product as opposed to just writing a song and finding someone else to produce it.
Ellie Goulding
I'm not terribly happy about rock and roll. Certain rock music is uninspiring, numbing it makes you feel like an idiot.
Manuel Puig
I've studied various schools of thought... I acknowledge that some Muslims consider music prohibited, but I've found a lot of evidence from the life of the Prophet to show that he allowed certainly, but even encouraged, music at certain times.
Cat Stevens
I don't like painting flowers in my music. I like painting guts and pain.
Jonathan Davis
There are two kinds of artists left: those who endorse Pepsi and those who simply won t.
Annie Lennox