Browse through our collection of quotes tagged with Music.
People today are still living off the table scraps of the sixties. They are still being passed around - the music and the ideas.
Bob Dylan
This music won't do. There's not enough sarcasm in it.
Samuel Goldwyn
Music for me is an emotional thing and it really does make me happy. It's not a tool for me to get fame or see my face in the papers or anything like that. It's about the fact that I really do enjoy it.
Ville Valo
Music and silence combine strongly because music is done with silence, and silence is full of music.
Marcel Marceau
I was a big fan of Middle Eastern elements of music and experimental electronic and tribal sounds.
Adam Lambert
People compose for many reasons: to become immortal; because the pianoforte happens to be open; because they want to become a millionaire; because of the praise of friends; because they have looked into a pair of beautiful eyes; for no reason whatsoever.
Robert Alexander Schumann
Once music ceases to be ephemeral - always disappearing - and becomes instead material... it leaves the condition of traditional music and enters the condition of painting. It becomes a painting, existing as material in space, not immaterial in time.
Brian Eno
You're talking to someone who really understands rock music.
Tipper Gore
There is geometry in the humming of the strings, there is music in the spacing of the spheres.
Linguistic philosophers continue to argue that probably music is not a language, that is in the philosophical debate. Another point of view is to say that music is a very profound language.
Robert Fripp
City people live the city. We live in L.A., New York, we live in places where it's chaotic and you never know what's gonna happen. And that's the music - you never know what's gonna happen.
Alice Cooper
But I did go to music really early on, even when I was 4 or 5, I was responding to music probably in ways other kids were not.
Eric Clapton
Music is an extraordinary vehicle for expressing emotion - very powerful emotions. That's what draws millions of people towards it. And, um, I found myself always going for these darker places and - people identify with that.
Annie Lennox
For whatever reason, not all people are born with the particular gift of being able to express ourselves through music. And, believe me, it is a gift.
Billy Joel
For me, singing sad songs often has a way of healing a situation. It gets the hurt out in the open into the light, out of the darkness.
Reba McEntire
Def Leppard is obviously a different band that we are, but the music work well tighter. And the audiences seem work well together too. We are opening, but we're having a good time.
Joan Jett
The music stuff is just a hobby.
Tom Felton
Music's been around a long time, and there's going to be music long after Ray Charles is dead. I just want to make my mark, leave something musically good behind. If it's a big record, that's the frosting on the cake, but music's the main meal.
Ray Charles
Musicians are there in front of you, and the spectators sense their tension, which is not the case when you're listening to a record. Your attention is more relaxed. The emotional aspect is more important in live music.
Although I am basically self taught, I consider Debussy my teacher - the most important elements are colour, light and shadow.
Toru Takemitsu