Browse through our collection of quotes tagged with Purpose.
I have here stated my purpose according to my view of official duty; and I intend no modification of my oft-expressed personal wish that all men every where could be free.
Abraham Lincoln
Our soul's perfection is our life's purpose; any other purpose, keeping death in mind, has no substance.
Leo Tolstoy
History, I believe, furnishes no example of a priest-ridden people maintaining a free civil government. This marks the lowest grade of ignorance of which their civil as well as religious leaders will always avail themselves for their own purposes.
Thomas Jefferson
What should young people do with their lives today? Many things, obviously. But the most daring thing is to create stable communities in which the terrible disease of loneliness can be cured.
Kurt Vonnegut
You must warn people not to make the intellect their God. The intellect knows methods but it seldom knows values, and they come from feeling. If one doesn't play a part in the creative whole, he is not worth being called human. He has betrayed his true purpose.
Albert Einstein
Would that well-thinking people should be replaced by thinking ones.
Natalie Clifford Barney
Live life with a purpose and live it full out.
Steve Maraboli
Man becomes greater in proportion to knowing himself and his faculties. Let him become conscious of what he is and he will soon also learn what he should be.
Felix E. Schelling
In a just cause the weak will beat the strong.
If we are to achieve a richer culture, rich in contrasting values, we must recognize the whole gamut of human potentialities, and so weave a less arbitrary social fabric, one in which each diverse human gift will find a fitting place.
Margaret Mead
There is no better test of a man's work than time, which also reveals the thoughts which lay hidden in his breast.
The meaning of life is to give life meaning.
Ken Hudgins
The only way you can be successful on a post or win at it is to be at cause over it.
L. Ron Hubbard
Bring me men to match my mountains: Bring me men to match my plains: Men with empires in their purpose and new eras in their brains.
Sam Walter Foss
We can forgive a man for making a useful thing as long as he does not admire it. The only excuse for making a useless thing is that one admires it intensely.
Oscar Wilde
The whole life is but a point of time; let us enjoy it, therefore, while it lasts, and not spend it to no purpose.
Every man is occasionally visited by the suspicion that the planet on which he is riding is not really going anywhere; that the Force which controls its measured eccentricities hasn't got anything special in mind. If he broods on this somber theme long enough he gets the doleful idea that the laughing children on a merry-go-round or the thin, fine hands of a lady's watch are revolving more purposely than he is.
James Thurber
All men should strive to learn before they die, what they are running from, and to, and why.
Again I admonish you not to be turned from your stern purpose of defending your beloved country and its free institutions by any arguments urged by ambitious and designing men, but stand fast to the Union and the old flag. Soldiers, I bid you God-speed to your homes.
Anybody can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way - that is not within everybody's power and is not easy.