Adolf Berle Quotes

A collection of quotes by Adolf Berle.

Adolf Berle (1895-1971) was an American lawyer, economist, and government official, best known for his contributions to the field of corporate governance. Born on January 29, 1895, in Boston, Massachusetts, Berle received his education at Harvard University, where he later became a professor of corporate law.

Berle's most significant work was in the area of corporate finance, where he explored the separation of ownership and control in large corporations. In 1932, he co-authored the groundbreaking book "The Modern Corporation and Private Property" with economist Gardiner Means. The book examined the changing dynamics of ownership in industrial corporations and argued for greater accountability and control of corporate power.

Berle's ideas influenced the development of modern corporate law and were instrumental in shaping the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the United States. He believed in the importance of protecting shareholders' rights and advocated for greater transparency and accountability from corporate management.

Apart from his academic pursuits, Berle served as an adviser to several U.S. presidents, including Franklin D. Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy. He also held various government positions, including Assistant Secretary of State, where he played a significant role in post-World War II economic reconstruction.

Throughout his career, Adolf Berle made substantial contributions to corporate governance, influencing both the academic understanding of the subject and policy-making in the United States. He passed away on February 17, 1971, leaving behind a lasting legacy in the field of corporate law and economics.