Alexander Calder Quotes

A collection of quotes by Alexander Calder.

Alexander Calder, born on July 22, 1898, in Lawnton, Pennsylvania, was an acclaimed American sculptor and artist. He is renowned for his innovative work in the field of kinetic art, particularly in the creation of mobile sculptures, which are characterized by their ability to move and change shape due to air currents. Calder's interest in art began at an early age, and he pursued his passion by studying mechanical engineering and art in the early 1920s.

After his studies, Calder moved to Paris in 1926, where he soon became part of the flourishing avant-garde art scene. He is best known for revolutionizing sculpture by introducing motion and the concept of kineticism. Calder's mobiles, which often featured abstract shapes and vibrant colors, were a breakthrough in sculpture, as they challenged the static nature of traditional artworks.

Throughout his career, Calder held numerous exhibitions and received widespread recognition for his unique style and technical mastery. His works can be found in many prestigious museums around the world, including the Museum of Modern Art in New York and the Centre Pompidou in Paris.

Alexander Calder made significant contributions to the modern art movement, combining engineering principles, visual aesthetics, and a sense of playfulness in his sculptural creations. He continued working until his death on November 11, 1976, leaving behind a remarkable artistic legacy.