Alfred Adler Quotes

A collection of quotes by Alfred Adler.

Alfred Adler (1870-1937) was an Austrian psychiatrist and psychologist, best known for his development of individual psychology. Born on February 7, 1870, in Vienna, Austria, Adler was the second of seven children in a middle-class Jewish family. Despite suffering from rickets in his early childhood, he went on to excel academically and pursued studies in medicine.

While working as a physician, Adler became interested in the field of psychology and began attending Sigmund Freud's weekly discussion group in 1902. However, he eventually diverged from Freud's psychoanalytic ideas, particularly the emphasis on sexual impulses and unconscious conflict, and developed his own theoretical framework.

Adler's approach emphasized the social and individual factors that contribute to an individual's psychological development. He believed that an individual's striving for superiority, not only in terms of physical ability but also in terms of personal and social development, was a fundamental motivating force. Adler also stressed the importance of understanding individuals within the context of their social environment.

Throughout his career, Adler made significant contributions to the understanding of child development, birth order, and the concept of the inferiority complex. He believed that a person's early experiences and familial dynamics shape their psychological makeup and subsequent behavior.

Alfred Adler's innovative ideas greatly influenced the field of psychology and continue to be influential today. His emphasis on social interest, equality, and the holistic understanding of individuals has left a lasting impact on the field, making him one of the key figures in the development of modern psychology.