Art Buchwald, 1970 Quotes

A collection of quotes by Art Buchwald, 1970.

Art Buchwald (1925-2007) was an American humorist, author, and columnist who rose to fame for his witty and satirical writings. Born on October 20, 1925, in Mt. Vernon, New York, Buchwald had a difficult childhood after being abandoned by his parents and placed into foster care. He enlisted in the Marine Corps during World War II and, after his return, pursued a career in journalism.

By the early 1970s, Buchwald had established himself as one of America's most popular humorists. He gained wide recognition for his syndicated newspaper column, which often tackled political and social issues with a sharp sense of humor. His writing style, characterized by wit and irony, earned him a devoted following and numerous accolades.

In addition to his columns, Buchwald penned many books, including "I Never Danced at the White House" and "Leaving Home." His works showcased his unique ability to blend comedy with political commentary, offering a humorous critique of American society.

Art Buchwald's writings and sharp insights continued to entertain and enlighten readers for several decades. His satirical approach to humor made him a beloved figure in American journalism, ensuring his lasting impact on the genre. He passed away on January 17, 2007, leaving behind a rich legacy of laughter and social commentary.