Captain Jean-Luc Picard Quotes

A collection of quotes by Captain Jean-Luc Picard.

Captain Jean-Luc Picard is a fictional character from the popular science fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation. Portrayed by Sir Patrick Stewart, Picard serves as the commanding officer of the USS Enterprise-D, a starship exploring the vast reaches of space in the 24th century.

Born in La Barre, France in 2305, Jean-Luc Picard exhibited remarkable intelligence and leadership skills from an early age. He attended Starfleet Academy, graduating at the top of his class, and quickly rose through the ranks. Picard's distinguished career included assignments as both a science officer and a commanding officer on various starships.

As captain of the Enterprise-D, Picard exemplifies the ideals of Starfleet and embodies the qualities of a true leader. He is known for his strong moral compass, diplomatic prowess, and tactical brilliance. Picard often relies on his extensive knowledge of history, art, and philosophy to navigate the complexities of the missions he undertakes.

Beyond his strategic abilities, Picard is a compassionate and empathetic leader who values the well-being of his crew above all. He fosters a collaborative and inclusive environment on his ship, allowing his officers to excel in their respective roles. Picard's unwavering commitment to the principles of the United Federation of Planets makes him not only a respected captain but also a revered symbol of integrity and honor in the Star Trek universe.