Carl F. H. Henry Quotes

A collection of quotes by Carl F. H. Henry.

Carl F. H. Henry (1913-2003) was a prominent American theologian and writer, considered by many to be one of the leading Evangelical thinkers of the 20th century. Born in New York City, Henry showed an early interest in Christianity and eventually went on to become a distinguished scholar and apologist.

Henry received his education at Wheaton College and Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he studied theology and philosophy. He later pursued graduate studies at Boston University and earned his doctorate in systematic theology.

Throughout his career, Henry was a prolific author, penning over 25 books and numerous articles. He played a significant role in the development of Evangelicalism as a intellectual movement, advocating for a strong theological foundation and intellectual rigor within the faith.

One of his most notable works is the six-volume series, "God, Revelation, and Authority" (1976-1983), which garnered him widespread recognition. Henry also co-founded and served as the first editor of the influential magazine, Christianity Today.

Known for his sharp intellect and unwavering commitment to biblical truth, Henry provided a solid theological framework for Evangelicals in the midst of societal and cultural changes. His writings helped shape Evangelical thought on topics such as the authority of Scripture, the nature of God, and the relationship between Christianity and culture.

Carl F. H. Henry's impact on evangelical Christianity continues to be felt, with his contributions leaving a lasting legacy in the realm of theology and apologetics.