Critias of Athens Quotes

A collection of quotes by Critias of Athens.

Critias of Athens was an ancient Greek philosopher, politician, and poet, born in Athens around 460 BCE. He was a member of the prominent Athenian family known as the Alcmaeonids, and his father, also named Critias, was a well-known politician.

Critias rose to political prominence during the tumultuous period following the Athenian victory in the Persian Wars. He became associated with the conservative political faction known as the Thirty Tyrants, who ruled Athens for a brief period starting in 404 BCE. During their rule, the Thirty implemented a reign of terror, executing many of their political opponents and confiscating their property.

Critias played a prominent role in these oppressive policies, employing his eloquence and persuasive skills to justify the actions of the Thirty to the Athenian people. He was known as an accomplished orator and poet, actively contributing to the cultural life of Athens. However, his ruthless pursuit of power and involvement in the tyrannical regime tainted his legacy.

Critias' influence diminished after the collapse of the Thirty Tyrants, as the restored Athenian democracy sought reconciliation and justice. He was eventually killed in the battle of Munychia, an event that marked the end of his political career and had a significant impact on the subsequent political landscape of Athens.

While his actions as a political leader were highly controversial, Critias' philosophical and literary contributions remain largely unknown. The majority of his works, including his dialogues, speeches, and poems, have been lost over time. Thus, it is challenging to form a comprehensive understanding of his intellectual and literary endeavors.