Dorothy Height Quotes

A collection of quotes by Dorothy Height.

Dorothy Height (1912-2010) was an American civil rights and women's rights activist. She was born on March 24, 1912, in Richmond, Virginia. Height was raised primarily by her grandmother after the death of her mother. Excelling academically, she was awarded a scholarship to attend New York University in 1929 but was denied admission due to her race. Undeterred, she went on to earn her Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Educational Psychology from New York University later in life.

Height became actively involved in civil rights organizations such as the National Council of Negro Women (NCNW) and the YWCA, where she served as the President from 1957 to 1961. She worked tirelessly for racial equality, fighting against discrimination, and advocating for the rights of African Americans.

Height played a significant role in organizing and executing the March on Washington in 1963, during which Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his iconic "I Have a Dream" speech. She worked alongside prominent civil rights leaders, including A. Philip Randolph and Whitney Young Jr., and was instrumental in ensuring that women's voices were heard.

Throughout her life, Height fought for the inclusion and empowerment of African American women. She focused on issues such as voting rights, affordable housing, access to education, and equal job opportunities. Her dedication and relentless commitment to social justice earned her numerous accolades and recognition, including the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1994.

Dorothy Height passed away on April 20, 2010, leaving behind a legacy as a tireless advocate for racial and gender equality in America.