E. P. Thompson Quotes

A collection of quotes by E. P. Thompson.

E. P. Thompson, born Edward Palmer Thompson on February 3, 1924, in England, was a renowned British historian, writer, and social critic. He is best known for his influential book "The Making of the English Working Class" (1963), which revolutionized the field of social history and established him as a leading figure in British intellectual life.

Thompson started his career as a committed socialist, influenced by his early involvement with the Communist Party. However, he later distanced himself from communist dogma and became an independent Marxist, advocating for a democratic socialist perspective. His intellectual journey also saw him engaging with various political and cultural issues, including anti-nuclear and anti-war activism, and critiquing the excesses of capitalism.

Throughout his career, Thompson combined his historical scholarship with a commitment to social justice, believing that history should be accessible and useful to ordinary people. He rejected the prevailing notion of a passive working class and instead highlighted the agency and collective action of common people in shaping their own history.

Apart from his academic work, Thompson was a prolific writer and public intellectual, known for his passionate and engaging writing style. He tackled a wide range of topics, including literature, culture, and the environment. Thompson's intellectual contributions were honored with numerous awards, and his ideas continue to be influential in shaping modern historical scholarship and progressive politics.

E. P. Thompson passed away on August 28, 1993, leaving behind a significant legacy as a historian, activist, and eloquent advocate for marginalized voices and social change.