Eberhard Arnold, The Hope of Adv Quotes

A collection of quotes by Eberhard Arnold, The Hope of Adv.

Eberhard Arnold was a German-born theologian, writer, and peace activist, known for his commitment to radical Christianity and his belief in the power of community and simplicity. Born on July 26, 1883, in Königsberg, Germany (now Kaliningrad, Russia), Arnold possessed a profound spiritual insight that deeply influenced his life's work.

In 1920, along with his wife, Emmy, and a small group of like-minded individuals, Arnold founded the Christian community known as the Bruderhof (literally meaning "place of brothers") in Sannerz, Germany. The Bruderhof aimed to embody the teachings of Jesus by living in a communal way, practicing nonviolence, and sharing everything in common.

Arnold's writings served as a source of inspiration and guidance for the Bruderhof community and many others seeking a deeper understanding of faith. His most famous works include "Innerland: A Guide into the Heart of the Gospel" and "Salt and Light: Living the Sermon on the Mount."

Throughout his life, Arnold actively promoted peace and reconciliation, particularly during the tumultuous period of World War II. Despite facing persecution and exile from Germany due to his pacifist beliefs, he remained steadfast in his commitment to advocating for a nonviolent path.

Eberhard Arnold's profound spiritual insights, his devotion to communal living, and his relentless pursuit of peace make him an influential figure in the Christian community and an exemplar of hope for a more compassionate and just world.