Eric Hoffer, The True Believer: Quotes

A collection of quotes by Eric Hoffer, The True Believer: .

Eric Hoffer was a prominent American author and philosopher, best known for his groundbreaking work, "The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements." He was born on July 25, 1902, in The Bronx, New York City, to immigrant parents.

Hoffer lived a rather unconventional life, spending his early years working odd jobs such as a migrant field worker, gold prospector, and newspaper columnist. Despite having no formal education beyond high school, Hoffer became a self-taught intellectual with a keen interest in human nature and the dynamics of mass movements.

In "The True Believer," published in 1951, Hoffer analyzed the psychological and sociological aspects of fanaticism, exploring why individuals become attracted to and participate in various mass movements, be they political, social, or religious. His work delved into the motivations, behaviors, and the psychological makeup of individuals who join these movements, attempting to shed light on the phenomenon of mass hysteria and the power of charismatic leaders.

"The True Believer" became a bestseller and brought Hoffer considerable acclaim and respect within intellectual circles. His accessible writing style combined with astute observations earned him a reputation as a profound thinker and commentator on human nature.

Hoffer continued to write and published several more books, including "The Ordeal of Change" and "The Temper of Our Time," solidifying his reputation as an influential social philosopher and public intellectual.

Eric Hoffer passed away on May 21, 1983, leaving behind a legacy of insightful writings that continue to resonate with readers seeking to understand the complexities of mass movements and the human condition.