George Takei Quotes

A collection of quotes by George Takei.

George Takei is a Japanese-American actor, author, and activist, best known for his role as Hikaru Sulu in the original Star Trek television series and subsequent movies. He was born on April 20, 1937, in Los Angeles, California. Takei, along with his family, experienced the injustice of being forcibly interned in an American internment camp during World War II due to their Japanese ancestry.

Takei's acting career took off in the 1960s, with his breakthrough role as Sulu in Star Trek, where he played the helmsman of the USS Enterprise. He reprised this role in multiple Star Trek films and later became a sought-after voice actor, lending his voice to various animated series and movies.

Apart from his successful acting career, Takei has become a prominent LGBTQ+ rights activist. After publicly coming out as gay in 2005, he has been an outspoken advocate for marriage equality and equal rights. His activism extends beyond LGBTQ+ issues, as he has also been involved in various social and political causes, including advocating for Japanese American internment redress and speaking out against racism and discrimination.

Takei has authored several books, including his memoir "To the Stars" and the graphic novel "They Called Us Enemy," which recounts his experiences during the internment camps. Throughout his life, George Takei has used his powerful platform to promote inclusivity, justice, and equality.