Harold Philby Quotes

A collection of quotes by Harold Philby.

Harold Philby, also known as Kim Philby, was a British intelligence officer and infamous double agent. Born on January 1, 1912, in Ambala, British India, Philby played a significant role in one of the greatest espionage scandals of the 20th century.

Joining the British intelligence agency MI6 during World War II, Philby quickly rose through the ranks and gained access to highly sensitive information. However, unknown to his superiors, he was also secretly working for the Soviet Union as a double agent. Philby's actions compromised numerous Western operations and caused the deaths of many intelligence agents.

For almost three decades, Philby successfully deceived his colleagues and maintained his cover as a loyal British agent. It was not until 1963 that his true allegiance was discovered, leading to his defection to the Soviet Union. This revelation shocked the intelligence community and fueled fears of Soviet infiltration within Western intelligence agencies.

During his time as a double agent, Philby provided invaluable information to the Soviets, severely damaging the Western intelligence network. Despite his betrayal, he lived out the remainder of his life in the Soviet Union, where he worked as an advisor to the KGB. Harold Philby passed away on May 11, 1988, in Moscow, leaving behind a legacy of deceit and one of the most notorious cases of espionage in history.