Henry Hazlitt Quotes

A collection of quotes by Henry Hazlitt.

Henry Hazlitt was an American journalist, economist, and author, born on November 28, 1894, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He is best known for his influential works in the field of economics, which made complex economic concepts accessible to a broad audience.

Hazlitt began his career as a journalist for various newspapers and magazines, including The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times. He eventually turned his focus to economics and became a staff member of the Financial Chronicle. Throughout his career, Hazlitt wrote numerous books and articles on economic theory, advocating for free-market principles and criticizing government intervention.

His most famous work, "Economics in One Lesson" (1946), aimed to explain the key principles of sound economic policy to the general public. The book remains a classic in the field, offering a persuasive argument against government intervention in the economy.

Hazlitt also served as an economic commentator and was a highly sought-after lecturer, known for his ability to present complex ideas in a clear and concise manner. His writings continue to inspire and influence those interested in free-market economics.

Henry Hazlitt passed away on July 8, 1993, leaving behind a profound impact on the world of economics and a legacy of advocating for individual liberty and free markets.