James Dobson Quotes

A collection of quotes by James Dobson.

James Dobson is a renowned American author, psychologist, and evangelical Christian leader. Born on April 21, 1936, in Shreveport, Louisiana, he became a prominent figure in the Christian conservative movement. Dobson earned his doctoral degree in child development from the University of Southern California in 1967 and went on to teach at the university's School of Medicine.

In 1977, Dobson founded Focus on the Family, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting principles of family values and morality based on evangelical Christianity. Under his leadership, Focus on the Family grew to become one of the most influential conservative Christian organizations in the United States, focusing on issues such as parenting, marriage, and the sanctity of life.

As an outspoken advocate for traditional family values, Dobson has authored numerous books on parenting, marriage, and Christian living. Some of his notable works include "Dare to Discipline," "The Strong-Willed Child," and "Bringing Up Boys." Through his radio program, "Focus on the Family," which aired for over 30 years, he reached millions of listeners worldwide, offering guidance and support.

Throughout his career, Dobson actively engaged with political issues, particularly those related to the protection of the traditional family structure. Despite retiring as the leader of Focus on the Family in 2009, he continues to be an influential voice in Christian circles, advocating for biblical values and morality.