John Reed Quotes

A collection of quotes by John Reed.

John Reed was an American journalist, poet, and revolutionary. He was born on October 22, 1887, in Portland, Oregon. Reed attended Harvard University, where he became involved in socialist politics and activism. He gained recognition for his reporting on social issues and became a staff writer for various progressive publications.

In 1917, Reed traveled to Russia to cover the events of the Russian Revolution. His experiences inspired him to write his most famous book, "Ten Days that Shook the World," which provided a firsthand account of the revolution. This work cemented Reed's reputation as a prominent journalist and enabled him to become an influential figure in leftist circles.

Reed also played a significant role in American politics, co-founding the Communist Labor Party and later the Communist Party of America. He ran as the Socialist Party candidate for mayor of New York City in 1917 and ran unsuccessfully for Congress in 1918. Despite his activism and literary achievements, Reed's health deteriorated, and he tragically passed away on October 17, 1920, at the age of 32.

John Reed's dedication to social justice and his firsthand reporting on the Russian Revolution left an indelible mark on both American and international politics. His legacy continues to inspire journalists, activists, and revolutionaries around the world.