Joseph Epstein Quotes

A collection of quotes by Joseph Epstein.

Joseph Epstein is an American writer, essayist, and editor. Born on January 9, 1937, in Chicago, Illinois, he has gained recognition for his insightful and often controversial commentary on a broad range of topics. Epstein attended the University of Chicago, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1959 and a Master of Arts degree in 196l. Following his studies, Epstein began his writing career as a journalist, contributing to various publications such as Harper's Magazine, The Atlantic Monthly, and The New Yorker.

Epstein is best known for his essays and literary criticism. He has published numerous collections of essays, including "Familiar Territory," "Distant Intimacy," and "Gossip: The Untrivial Pursuit." His writing often focuses on culture, literature, and personal experiences, showcasing his keen observational skills and wit.

Alongside his essay writing, Epstein has also published several works of fiction, including the novel "The Goldin Boys" and the short story collection "The Love Song of A. Jerome Minkoff." Throughout his career, he has held various teaching positions, including a long stint as a lecturer in English and writing at Northwestern University.

Joseph Epstein's distinctive voice, characterized by its erudition and wit, has earned him a dedicated readership. Despite occasional controversy, he remains a respected figure in the literary world, known for his introspective and eloquent reflections on life, culture, and the human condition.