Les Brown, Live Your Dreams Quotes

A collection of quotes by Les Brown, Live Your Dreams.

Les Brown is a motivational speaker, author, and former radio DJ known for his powerful message of encouraging individuals to live their dreams. Born on February 17, 1945, in Miami, Florida, Les Brown grew up in poverty and faced a series of setbacks and challenges throughout his early life.

Despite being declared "educable mentally retarded" in school, Les Brown refused to let this label define him. With the help of his mother and a high school teacher who believed in him, he eventually overcame these limitations and went on to achieve great success.

Starting his career as a radio DJ, Les Brown's charismatic personality and inspiring stories soon landed him opportunities as a motivational speaker. His speeches are characterized by his unique blend of humor, emotion, personal anecdotes, and life lessons. Les Brown's message revolves around the importance of taking personal responsibility, cultivating a positive mindset, and unleashing one's full potential.

Les Brown has authored several books, including "Live Your Dreams" and "It's Not Over Until You Win," further spreading his motivational wisdom to a wider audience. Throughout his career, he has inspired countless people from all walks of life to believe in themselves, pursue their passions, and overcome obstacles.

Today, Les Brown is regarded as one of the most influential motivational speakers in the world, with his words serving as a source of inspiration and encouragement for individuals seeking personal and professional growth.