Saint John of the Cross Quotes

A collection of quotes by Saint John of the Cross.

Saint John of the Cross, also known as San Juan de la Cruz in Spanish, was a 16th-century Spanish mystic, poet, and religious reformer. He was born Juan de Yepes Álvarez on June 24, 1542, in Fontiveros, Spain. He is considered one of the greatest poets in Spanish literature and an important figure in the Catholic Church.

Saint John of the Cross is renowned for his role in the Counter-Reformation and his writings on spirituality and religious experiences. He was a key figure in the reform of the Carmelite Order, advocating for a return to the original, contemplative way of life envisioned by the order's founders.

In his spiritual writings, particularly in his poems and prose work "The Dark Night of the Soul," Saint John of the Cross explores the soul's journey towards union with God through purgation and purification. His works emphasize the importance of detachment from worldly desires and the pursuit of divine love.

His deep understanding of the human soul and its relationship with God made him a revered spiritual director, and he was known for his compassion and wisdom in guiding others on their spiritual paths.

Saint John of the Cross lived a life of profound devotion and sacrifice, enduring imprisonment and persecution within his own order for his reform efforts. He died on December 14, 1591, in Úbeda, Spain. Today, he is recognized as a Doctor of the Church and a saint, with his feast day celebrated on December 14th.